Vehicular Crash Reconstruction

Vehicular Crash Reconstruction

Vehicular Crash Reconstruction

Years spent designing roads and highways, directing public works and responsibilities for safe highways is the foundation for investigating the scene of an accident.  Coupling this past experience with the mathematical analysis of vehicle crashes and examination and training at Northwestern Universities Traffic Institute bestows great confidence in determining the various factors involved in an accident.

Types of crashes investigated:

  • Autos, SUV’s, small trucks
  • Large Trucks, trailers
  • Motorcycles
  • Bicycles
  • Pedestrians

Cissell Investigative Engineering (CIE) examines the scene of the crash to evaluate environmental factors, visual factors ( sun, obstructions, sight-lines, distractions etc.), highway tort issues, signs, grades, hydroplaning, drainage, surfaces, vegetation, lights and a myriad of incidental items.  The scene is also checked for physical evidence and compared with the police report.  Vehicles, tires, lights and statements are all factored into the reconstructions.   When necessary, specialized experts within our affiliates are called in for further consultation.

CIE’s analysis will determine all likely factors involved in the crash, vehicle speeds, energy transfers and external causes.  Slow speed collisions are evaluated for energy transfer to allow comparison with common human activities.

Updated: July 16, 2020 — 7:24 pm