Engineering for Insurance Property Claims

Working with CIE…Getting Answers FAST

Property claims – Cissell Investigative Engineering (CIE) works with adjusters, general contractors, roof technicians, and homeowners to answer why a loss occurred, the extent of the loss and guidance on repairs to help resolve claims quickly and cost-effectively.

TIMELY  responses are critical in resolving a problem favorably and best client experience. CIE recognizes our need to quickly turn answers over to decision makers and invested in technology to significantly reduce the report time.

Occasionally during CAT or major storm events, response times can suffer. CIE offers virtual guidance to leverage expert experience with your staff or with our associated partners.

How  to work with CIE

  1. Call us to briefly discuss before assigning the loss, (877) 851-3344
  2. Email us with your contact details and
    • Claim number
    • Address, city and state
    • Date of loss
    • Loss Contact information, name, phone, email, position
    • Loss description
    • Scope of assignment
    • Attach documents or photos if available
  3. Call us with the above information
  4. Use our assignment form to schedule.